Fight Smarter, Not Harder

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We have a legend on deck -- author/comedian Greg Behrendt, the man responsible for "He's Just Not That Into You", both the book and the famous Sex and the City quote (he worked on the iconic show for six years). We discuss the book and go deeper on other dating-related and life topics like falling out of love with a partner, why some people accept so little in relationships, the first step to getting over someone, how to stop taking b******t from f*****s (including yourself), and more. And of course we had to ask him our burning questions about SATC and his feelings on the movie adaptation of his book. We also catch up on one of Rayna's exes resurfacing, the show Ashley can no longer watch in her parents' house, and we turn the tables on our topic with listeners answering "I knew I wasn't into him when....". Enjoy!

Follow Greg on Instagram @ItsGreggers and check out his podcast Don't Take Bullsh*t From F*ckers.

Follow us @GirlsGottaEatPodcast, Ashley @AshHess, and Rayna @Rayna.Greenberg. Check our website for tour dates and merchandise.

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This is our Fight Song (episode) and we're talking about how to manage conflict in relationships, from minor triggers with someone you just started dating to big blowouts with your long-term partner. We cover how to rein in passive aggression and assumptions, keys to healthier discussions, approaches for confrontation, alcohol as a factor, being proactive to avoid future fights, and more.

Rayna greenberg